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Cyber Attacks,Cyber Security Preparedness and Risk Management

  • Provide the correct information on the importance of cybersecurity
  • Preparing clients to implement data protection plans
  • Reduce and Manage reputational risk.
  • Litigation and handling of digital evidence

Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace and Digital media

  • Trademark issues and Domain name disputes in cyberspace
  • Copyright issues of digital content.
  • Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement by litigation

Vigorous Advocacy and Defence

  • Defending against litigation or class action proceedings relating to a data breach or privacy incidents
  • Defending against regulatory proceedings and negotiating with regulatory agencies

Thorough and Organized Incident Response

  • Executing efficient response plans, either as managers or supporting team members
  • Data breach investigation, including addressing employee misconduct
  • Liason with regulatory law enforcement authorities.

E-commerce Legal Management

  • Drafting of Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Vendor Agreements, Technology Transfer Agreements, Data Transfer Agreements, and Intellectual Property Rights Assignment Agreements.
  • Provide Legal Advice concerning Taxation and legality of Business Strategy in cyberspace.

Digital Entertainment & Online Gaming Laws

  • Preparing, Developing, and creating option agreements.
  • Purchasing and Licensing to buy, sell or license the creative concepts.
  • OTT Platform Licensing and legal services