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"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it."

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"We're all going to have to change how we think about data protection."
Elizabeth Denham

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Privacy – like eating and breathing – is one of life's basic requirements
Katherine Neville

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"Women are more likely than men to be victims of severe forms of cyber violence, and the impact on their lives is far more traumatic."

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"In India, 71 crore people are using the Internet, out of which 25 crores are women. 80% of people are falling prey to cyber crimes, and 63% of people don't know where to lodge complaints on cybercrimes."
G.R Radhika, Superintendent of Police (cyber crimes)

“As a lawyer practicing in Kerala High Court, I wish to be part of a cyber movement helping people protect their cyberspaces and creating awareness on their rights. Fighting for such a cause also helps me fight for those who suffer unknowingly. There are unheard cases of mental breakdowns, suicides, and abuses concerning cyber attacks. I strongly aim to be the voice for these victims. Let the movement begin”.
